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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Star Wars: "Strictly Big Screen Stuff"


It took some serious searching, but thanks to fan and collector Bo Sanders, is finally able to present the final series of Star Wars radio spots, or commercials, released between 1977-1979!

Previously, we had released four of the six radio spot campaigns, which are designated by letters --
Campaign A [we assigned the "A" in this instance for consistency -- the actual campaign possessed no letter]
Campaign C (Spanish)
Campaign E
Campaign F

The missing Campaign B was actually identical to the first three spots featured in Campaign D below -- the fourth spot being the only new addition to Campaign D. So, to our knowledge, this is the complete set of radio commercials for the first movie, provided there is not an English-version Campaign C still at large (let us know if you find them!). We suspect the "D" series spots were released sometime in late 1977 or early 1978.

Volume on these is a bit on the loud side -- be warned -- but all the more effective for those awkward slogans whipped up by the fledgling Star Wars ad crew: "Star Wars: Strictly big screen stuff," "A billion years in the making," and "Mere words can't describe it!" Indeed.

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